Fitting the network to the community

Every niche social circle will have its own cultural set of requirements and idiosyncracies. This will require custom approaches for aspiring tribe leaders to produce. If you’re setting up a community, you should focus less on the technical tools available to you and focus more on what the unique needs and wants are of that community. If you’re willing to customize the network just to fit that niche, you win.

Six Month MBA

Internet philanthropy works when you foster community

Internet philanthropy works when you foster community and erase the once massive boundary between an organization and its constituents. On the Internet, the community IS the organization. Create a dynamic where people are moved to invite other people to join. It’s not a one- to-many relationship, it’s a many-to-many relationship. It is a relationship that is based on hope, not pity. Give users incremental rewards daily and appeal to motivations other than despair.

Matt Flannery