We’ve had it

If we keep going the way were going, we’ve had it. And even if we follow the Paris agreement and try to reduce emissions, we’ve still had it, because we wouldn’t be reducing carbon dioxide fast enough. The only way we can save ourselves is to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere… that would be a very expensive business… the greatest the human race has ever undertaken, but we need to do it to save ourselves. If an asteroid was headed for the earth, people would deploy ever ypossible thing despite the massive costs being incurred. We have to wake up to the fact that that is what the human race has got to do.

Peter Wadhams ScD, professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge.


I’m doing the most important thing I could be doing

I wish that I could guarantee you that we’re all going to win in the end, the whole thing. And I can’t, because we don’t know. The physics of climate change is pretty daunting at this point. The momentum of it is pretty big. We’re not going to win everything. We’re not going to stop global climate change. It’s too late for that. But the work you’re doing literally couldn’t be more important. There’s not many people who get to say in their lives, ‘I’m doing the most important thing I could be doing.’ But that’s what you guys are doing today. I can’t guarantee you’re going to win. But I can guarantee you in every corner of the world that we’re going to fight. And that’s going to be enough for now, just knowing that we are taking it on.

Bill McKibben

If you’re not scared, you’re not paying attention

Overconsumption, climate change, and mass extinction. Sorry to ruin the optimism around here, but if you’re not scared, you’re not paying attention! The current state of our habitat is the biggest challenge our species has ever faced. Are we going to confront the real issues, or are we going to keep following the “leaders” that just add more and more fuel to the fire? I vote for dethroning them – we don’t have time to screw around anymore. We all need to expect the worst, and then do everything we can to prevent it.

Bjorn Borstelmann