The sad truth about entrepreneurship

The sad truth about entrepreneurship

The fear never goes away.

You just get better at dealing with it.

I was just as afraid when I started my fifth company as I was when I started my first one. In fact, I was probably more afraid, because I understood how truly difficult it is to build a business from scratch.

But it didn’t stop me, and really, I think that’s what defines people we call heroes. They’re just as afraid as anyone else, but they keep going anyway.

They’re willing to lie in bed, sweating and worrying about how they’ll pay the bills.

They’re willing to do the unpopular thing and for everyone to think they’re an ass.

They’re willing to invest years of their life into a product, only to see it flop and have to start over again.

It’s not because they’re special. They just know the price, and they’re willing to pay it.

The Cowardly Lion’s Guide to Conquering Your Entrepreneurial Fears